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First Cycle Coding
Second Cycle Coding Template
Collaborative Coding Practices

Strategies and Tips for Analysis


1. Take ownership of your data during first level coding by using Saldana’s (2009) characteristics. Consider the source,

description,application to research questions, example and your ideas from analysis.In second level coding use analytic

skills such as prioritizing,integrating, synthesizing, abstracting, conceptualizing and theory building.


2. Reflect, question and wonder; record your thinking as you go. Write reflective notes or memos as you work through your data set or try keeping a detailed concept map that outlines connections and ideas.


3. Keep track of your data and your decisions as you code in case you want to revisit them later or are asked to explain them – this can be done in a simple document file or notebook.Look for broad themes that transcend and link the specific codes.


4. Employ multiple coding strategies until you learn which one works for you and with which research questions in which focus – highlighting, word document notations, qualitative data software, concept mapping.Focus on strategies to help you clarify your analysis: a top 10 list, a graphic organizer, devising headings and subheadings. 


5. Seek out data saturation and identify multiplicity or contradictions.


Eisner, E. W. (1998). The enlightened eye. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Richardson, L. (1997). Fields of play. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Click on the images to access resource that will support qualitative forms of meaning making.

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